exit babylon

exit babylon
last chance to exit babylon

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

life changing codes to live by.

1. Pray about everything.
2. Stay calm.
3. Don't argue with people.
4. Think the best about people instead of assuming the worst.
5. Forgive every offense.
6. Pay attention to the people who cross your path. Listen to people, make eye contact. Try to communicate and be objective and non-judgmental. Those People, those souls are the only thing you see right now that might still be there in the next life. They are more important than any thing, insecurities or busy-ness that binds you.
7. Remember to SHARE the gifts bestowed upon you.
8. Take time to meditate.. reflect on your recent choices. Shine the Light.
9.  Walk in gratitude.. Rejoice in all things.

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